MP’s Have Voted To Increase University Tuition Fees To Up To £9,000 And For A Basic Upper Threshold On Fees Of £6,000.
Won By 21 Votes.

Once again the students have taken to the streets of London in protest and once again there have been elements of peace and violence. Violence and idiocy shouldn’t be any part of a protest and it doesn’t help the cause either.

Students are claiming that the police have been too heavy handed, even with people who are being peaceful – the news has shown us police on horses charging through the crowds of students, old and young. One man was cradling his head after the event and a policeman hit him again for no reason. Another girl claimed her friend was crossing to a different area and she too was hit. I think this is completely unacceptable – protests should not be violent, on either side.
‘This is a bad day for families and for all people up and down the country.’
He says that the coalition will not progress after today and they have showed the country that they cannot be trusted. He says politicians should not promise things they will not or cannot deliver in the end, and claims he will be a politician that ‘under promises but over delivers.’
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